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Rick Woodbury starts every morning with silent meditation in a small Tibetan Buddhist temple in Spokane. His prayers call for an end to sickness, war and suffering, but since he doesn't know how to do those things, he decided instead to create an environmental traffic-busting car. ... posted on Jul 31 2003, 995 reads


While it is well known that the high-tech revolution has radically transformed late 20th century civilization, it is less well-known that high-tech development also harms people's health as well as the environment that sustains all life. The dark side of high technology reveals polluted drinking water, waste discharges that harm fish and wildlife, and high rates of miscarriages, birth defects, and... posted on Jul 30 2003, 580 reads


Wheelchairs may soon move at the speed of thought! Severely disabled people who cannot operate a motorised wheelchair may one day get their independence, thanks to a system that lets them steer a wheelchair using only their thoughts.... posted on Jul 29 2003, 1,071 reads


... posted on Jul 28 2003, 1,242 reads


... posted on Jul 27 2003, 556 reads


Ten years ago, a Canadian school teacher had an idea -- connect classrooms across the world via the radio. It worked wonders. With a twist of a dial, students heard each other in French, German, Spanish and various English accents across different times zones around the globe ... heck, even an astronaut tuned in one time!... posted on Jul 26 2003, 873 reads


Simple ideas are often the best. Emergency Housing Consortium held an outdoors concert to raise money for the homeless. They asked everyone to bring a towel to sit during the show, afterward, donate all the towels to the homeless.... posted on Jul 25 2003, 635 reads


Want to save the world? Just save the world's women. New international research is proving that women may hold the key to ending many of the world's ills -- if only they'd have the chance. For example, more literacy among women translates into lower HIV infection rates for adults of both sexes and is the greatest factor in declining child malnutrition in 63 countries!... posted on Jul 24 2003, 868 reads


Hate is a useless emotions, scientists are concluding at Stanford University Forgiveness Project. Forgiveness is a stress reducer, is good for your heart rate, blood pressure, immune system; it's good for prolonging your life; it reduces the risk of heart attack. It's the gift you give yourself.... posted on Jul 23 2003, 1,088 reads


Anonymous Giving
She held up 50 white envelopes at her church. Each one had a 50 dollar bill and anyone could take it, no strings attached. Many pondered weeks on how to spend it. Many were transformed. But one thing was sure, the giving became contagious!... posted on Jul 22 2003, 1,125 reads


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Our distrust is very expensive.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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